Dear Jimmy Reviews...
If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m kinda
a comic fan-boy. That can sometimes make me more forgiving than I probably
should be with Comic book tie-ins when it comes to games. Take ‘Web Of Shadows’
for instance. Despite the fact that most fights are basically me abusing the
hell out of the web-zip attack, the way the street crimes are so boring you’ll
very quickly ignore them, and even the quick time events that appear outta
nowhere with no warning are all mitigated
by my enjoyment of the web-slinging, and the feeling that I’m fucking
Spider-man.( By which I mean to say that I am Spider-man and I am so excited
about this I used an expletive. As opposed to implying that Peter Parker and I
am having carnal relations.)
So if web-slinging is entertaining, then surely
soaring around at mach-whatever in the Iron Man armour must be the most amazing
thing ever, right? The answer is a resounding ‘kinda?'
First you have to deal with the generic
training sequences in the first two missions, that come between you and actually
flying the armour. Especially since the first sees you stuck
with the MK I armour. Y’know, this piece of shit:
Whoops, wrong piece of shit, I meant:
Understandably I was suitably
unimpressed, since it had the response and sensitivity of my garden shed.
Foolishly assuming the problem was the armour, rather than the game, I stuck
with it, hoping when I got to wear the real Iron Man armour it’d handle a little
better. That turned out to be half true, since the Mk II armour, instead,
handled like a shed full of propane after somebody threw a lit match in there.
You see it turns out that in the real world strapping a pair of rockets onto a
suit of armour makes it somewhat difficult to control. No shit, Mister super
genius inventor Stark? Really?!
The upshot of this is that you go from
one extreme to the other: Up until you upgrade the thrusters, so much as
breathing on the left control stick with the afterburners activated results in
you veering hopelessly off course, usually into the side of the nearest
mountain. And if you’re foolish enough to actually try and turn internally you
have a turning circle of round about Africa. Thus making the agility thrusters
my first upgrade priority.
I will give the game credit that the
upgrade system works fairly well, actually. There’re five elements to the
armour; Core Systems, Repulsors, Power Systems, Auxiliary Weapons and Mobility
Enhancements. These ‘slots’ have various modules that can be assigned, for
example the agility thrusters offer greater control, whereas the pulse thrusters
are all about speed.
These enhancements are spread across
three levels, and rather than buying each enhancement individually your
performance is rewarded with ‘Assets’ (because calling them points would totally
shatter the fourth wall, I guess) based on time taken/enemies destroyed E.T.C.
The assets can then be spent to unlock
each level of your choice of slot, and two or three new enhancements along with
it. Before each mission you get to tweak the armour with your choice of
combination based on your unlocked enhancements. This sounds over simple in
theory, but in practice allows you to customise the armour to suit your play
style without making it overly complicated, and works a hell of a lot better
than you’d probably imagine. But then again, saying this game handles the
upgrade system well is about the same as buying a burned out wreck of a car,
with no wheels, and saying the radio gets excellent reception. For a start, who
the hell listens to the radio nowadays?!
Just as twitchy and overeager as the
boosters is the auto level. If you try and fly up, the second you relax
your thumb on the stick… Fuck, the second your brain sends the impulse to your
thumb to begin relaxing, the auto level kicks in and ‘helpfully’ levels off the
camera, totally fucking with your perception and sense of direction. It even has
the audacity to do this during what would otherwise be freaking awesome
loop-the-loops. I get whiplash just watching it, so I can only imagine how poor
Tony Stark feels inside the fuckin’ thing. I can only assume he’s dead.
The weapons set-up, on the other hand,
actually works pretty well; with the shoulder buttons triggering the repulsors
and charging the uni-beam, while a quick press of the triangle or square buttons
launch your weapon or defensive measure of choice, respectively. Again, simple
but effective, and another of the few things the game does right.
I have to admit, as well, that the game
looks stunning, and the environments, as cut and pasted as they may be, are huge
open spaces, in fact it’s very rare that you’ll see the ‘leaving combat zone’
messages that plague similar games. I remember the ‘Armoured Core’ series as
being notoriously bad, having miles and miles of open scenery, but only letting
you use about two square feet of it for actual game play, and instantly failing
the mission if you went two feet and an inch in one particular direction.
If anything, Iron Man has the opposite
problem of being too ambitious with it’s field of play. There’s so much space,
and most of it is open, and therefore visible at one time. This actually leads
to the game experiences slow down on a regular basis. I thought slow down was a
thing of the past. Fuck, the last game I experienced it on was Sonic 2!
Not only that but the environments are
so huge, and the enemies so small, that most times they’re all but invisible.
The only real clue you get that they’re there is a lock-on cursor appearing
around them, if you’re lucky, or your being shot down in a horrific blaze
following a barrage of gun fire and missiles shooting you out of the air,
seemingly from nowhere, if you aren’t. And you won’t be.
Once you get to the stage where you can
start customising the armour, and once you get used to the reality that the
armour handles like a retarded eel in a grease factory, and if you tell yourself
that it’s not slow down, it’s bullet time, which instantly makes everything 275%
cooler, missions three through five are kind of entertaining, in their own
right. While not exactly innovative they remind me of the old ‘S.T.R.I.K.E’
games, both with the simple customisation elements
and the game play itself.
They’re a decent enough brain dead
distraction. but then there’s a reason the S.T.R.I.K.E games were only about six
missions. This game begins to wear out it’s welcome (which was on a par
with Kanye West’s arrival at Taylor Swift's birthday party, to begin with) by making you
endure thirteen.
Before long, you realise that each and
every mission consists of flying to the orange dots on your map, destroying
them, then moving on to the next set of orange dots. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum.
If that makes it sound repetitive, then I’m actually a better writer than all
the hate mail suggests, because my god is this game repetitive!
Sure there’s also yellow dots that
represent the optional ‘hero’ objectives, to try and spice things up, or, more
likely, as a feeble excuse to rave about ‘open ended game play’, but pretty
soon, you’ll decide to screw that noise, because you will suddenly hit the
learning curve of the game, which is as sharp as my similes.
Out of nowhere you’ll wind up playing
‘find the missile’ (Hint: the answer is abso-fucking-lutely always ‘up Iron
Man’s ass’). The second you get within twenty miles of the hero objectives your
radar will resemble ADD Monkey’s last sugar rush based mis-adventure with a red
bingo marker. Oh, sure you can choose a chaff countermeasure in the armour
set-up when you’ve unlocked it, but this basically means that you only get hit
by 974,764 missiles instead of 974,768. It’s the equivalent of trying to put out
the Hemel Hampstead fire using nothing but shot glasses of paint stripper.
![]() | |
Apparently sombody saw this cover and thought 'Video game gold!' |
Said missiles are annoying as all hell,
as enemy units suddenly seem to have a range of sixty light years, and fire what
I can only assume are small nukes, based on the damage they inflict. So go
ahead, maggia, nuke the west Coast. I’m a billionaire, I’ll just buy a new west
coast. Russia’s going nuclear due to a meltdown? Sucks to be them! Civilian
warehouses being attacked by guerrilla forces? Darwin says leave them to it. I’m
not wasting any of my lives for you guys.
That’s right, this game also uses an old
school lives system, to go with the old school game play. Four lives, no
messing, and, more frustratingly, no checkpoints. So when you fuck up and die,
because you were too grossly incompetent to dodge ninety seven separate missile
attacks at the same time, you have to do the entire level again. Far as the
game’s concerned it’s your own faulty you inept chimp.
I suddenly understand why Tony Stark
turned to drink. I was only Iron Man for about thirty minutes before I cracked
open the Jack Daniels. Oh, and remember that uni-beam attack I mentioned? Fuck
that! You won’t be getting chance to charge that any time soon. And the missile
grappling technique you learn in the training level? No. Fucking. Way. As cool
as it looks in the screenshots, you will never use it in the actual game. The
visual cues don’t match the hit detection, so you end up just randomly tapping
the grapple button and hoping for the best, since the actual point when you can
grab a missile seems to be when it is in a neighbouring time zone. It’s far too
clumsy to control where you throw it, and that’s only if, by some fluke, you
actually grab one. But you won’t. Because there will be a batch of missiles
equal to the total armoury of most small countries headed your way at the same
time. In fact I’m fairly certain it would be easier to catch a missile and throw
it back at whoever shot it in real life, than it is in the game. And that
includes the whole ‘building a high tech flying suit of armour from scratch’
Sure the logical response is to drop down and take them out
at ground level, thus negating the threat of S.A.M.s, but c’mon! Fuck Logic! Who
wants to buy an Iron Man game that just to run around and use hit and run
tactics like any other first person shooter? That’s like buying an X-Men game
and having to attend seminars on Human/mutant co-existence. Or a Spider-man game
that consists solely of delivering pizzas, taking pictures for the daily bugle,
and worrying about Aunt May. Or an Aquaman game. The real appeal of this game
is the idea of flying through the air, and taking part in the mid-air dog fights
that it promises. Well, I’ve got some bad news:
90% of the time hovering above everything and tapping the
repulsors and occasionally strafing to avoid in-coming missiles is a cheap-ass
strategy that works against pretty much everything. Even helicopters, which
mysteriously refuse to climb any higher to pursue you. I guess even middle
eastern terrorist cells have to worry about rising fuel prices, and their carbon
foot print.
Sure, there’re jets to try and engage in dog fights with,
and sure, unlike the choppers those pilots aren’t afraid of heights. But they
just tend to use cheap hit-and-run tactics, making said dog fights pretty mush
impossible, since the only way to keep up with them is to use the afterburners,
and you can’t fire your weapons while the afterburners are active. Leaving you
in something of a catch twenty two, which is usually resolved by either chasing
them down, hovering as you take a few pot shots at them, and them chasing them
down again, or using my preferred method of just ignoring them altogether, save
to shout a string of profanities when they drop yet another barrage of weapons
on you out of the blue, in the middle of an all ready overpowered fire fight..
I guess you think the last hope for the aerial combat must
be the boss fights, then, right? They could be pretty cool, right? Like an
awesome mid-air duel? A sky-based combat that almost flows as gracefully as a
ballet? Right Lex Luthor from Superman returns…?
Yep, turns out there’s a reason the S.T.R.I.K.E games
didn’t have boss battles. Most of them involve a two step strategy, as suggested
by Tony Benedict in Ocean’s Eleven: “Run and Hide”
See, if you try to take on these ridiculously overpowered
bosses the way they’re meant to be… Or at least the way every Iron Man comic
ever would have you believe they’re meant to be, then they’ll wipe the floor
with you. Some even have cheap one hit kills. Y’know just to really save time!
In fact a quick scan of a few FAQ’s and Walkthroughs to find a strategy where
you die less than twice left me more empty handed than Paris Hilton at a dignity
So instead of engaging in exciting dog fights you will find
yourself camping like a Frenchman on ‘Call Of Duty’ and taking pot shots to
whittle down their armour for what feels like the best part of a week. The whole
fight becomes nothing but an arduous chore faster than a speeding afterburner.
Having said that that they’re actually something of a crap shoot (yet another
element of the game that’s crap, I guess) since there’s no consistency. For
example the first Titanium Man battle is insanely tough, especially since he
uses the dick move of having a rechargeable life bar, whereas the second time
around I can only surmise his suit of armour was actually created through the
use of origami, based on the way I tore through it and completed the mission in
a matter of minutes.
All of these elements come together to very quickly negate
any fanboy buzz that the game may offer, no matter how many 9.8 CCG graded
copies of ‘Tales Of Suspense Issue 39’ you may have collected from your
‘fortress of solitude’ in your mother’s basement. The game very quickly goes
from a fleeting memory of old school enjoyment to arduous chore faster than a
speeding bullet, and it’s not long before you find yourself just going through
the motions.
On the subject of ‘going through the motions’, let’s look
at the cinematics, which actually aren’t very cinematic at all. Sure they may
star the original movie cast, but, as if you need telling at this point, don’t
get your hopes up. Evidently the entire cast were going through a rough time
when they recorded the voice acting for this, since every single one of them
sounds like they were on anti-depressants. Hell, maybe they’d just play tested
the game they put their name to. Especially terrible seems to be Terance
Howard's performance. I know calling any performance especially terrible in
these things is like calling Grumpy the 'especially short one' of the seven
dwarfs, but still Howard's performance seems laughably bad.
At least they offer some sense of continuity: They
about as good as they sound. Sure, the armour looks beautifuly rendered
but I get the sense that they spent so long working on that they forgot
to get
around working on the facial models unitl about five to five on the
Friday of
the final week of development and ended up just motion capturing some
they had left lying around and hoped that everybody would be too
distracted by
the big shiny to notice that the people look like lumps of sentient
Plastercine. Sega may as well have used stop frame animation of
the Iron Man movie action figures. The end result still would’ve looked
than the actual FMV, and the action figures probably woulda been better
as well, come to think of it.
The only good points going for the
videos are that they’re short, so you don’t have to endure them for too long,
and I guess I should give them a little credit for not shoehorning as many
characters in as most Marvel tie-ins do. Outside of The Iron Monger the only
others introduced are Titanium Man ,Whiplash, and a nod to Madame Mask.
‘But this is Blu-Ray, why not squeeze actually footage from
the movie?’ I hear you ask. To which I reply ‘you’re so naive’. If they did
that, then that would force them to make the game exclusive to PS3. Then they
couldn’t churn out a release on every single console imaginable. This game is
like dog shit, both in terms of it’s being everywhere, and the quality. I
wouldn’t be surprised is SEGA have released it on the Mega drive and Dreamcast
as well.So now you can make your enemies suffer no matter what console they own.
On top of that they need to stretch the movie out across 13
missions, so they have to pad the story out with some new plot that goes beyond
the movie. Well, I say ‘new’, but it’s basically the same as the gameplay: A
perpetual sense of déjà vu spread over thirteen missions: Tony destroys various
criminal/terrorist warehouses containing weapons derived from Stark tech, and
vows to hunt down the mysterious mastermind who is behind them. Gee, game, could
it possibly be the same guy that betrayed him in the film? Y’know the one we see
plotting in every crappy cut-scene?
Outside of the main game, there are also ‘One man Army’
missions which are basically time-trials to destroy a set number of enemy units,
and allow you to unlock alternate armours. Although it’s nice to see more than
just the movie suit (like I said before, I do have to concede that they’re
beautifully rendered) it’s a little redundant. Firstly they’re only usable in
‘One Man Army’ mode, or previously unlocked missions. Now why in the hell would
you relive previous missions by choice?! You don’t see many Vietnam Vets taking
a holiday in Saigon, after all. Secondly, this just adds to the feeling of déjà
vu, the only difference between this and the main game is that instead of
‘destroy the orange dots’ you’re playing ‘destroy all the dots’. It’s hardly
enough to count as a different game mode. It’s like if daredevil changed his
costume from scarlet to crimson and Marvel pushed it as ‘a new look’, which
actually, knowing Marvel doesn’t sound that ridiculous.
Which leads, quite nicely, into my next point, since, most importantly, looks are about the only difference
between the suits. Sure they real off different stats, but at the end of the day
the differences between suits are nowhere near as obvious as the differences
between customisations. So the suits end up being all work for very little
reward. Hey, kinda like the game itself! Sure it looks good. It had potential,
and at certain points if you’re drunk/stupid enough there is some retro-fun to
be had. Sadly at the end of the day it fails to deliver, and the Iron Man ends
up being obsolete.
2007-2008 Writer's Guild Of America Strike
Having the
1960's 'Iron Man' Theme tune stuck in your head all day
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