Sorry about the late update, folks. I'm combating yet another virus here at the Dear Jimmy headquarters. I know, I know! That'll teach me to stream badly dubbed German hardcore pornography on work's computers. But in my defence, once you've seen 'Das Butt' there is no pornography that's worth watching other than badly dubbed German hardcore pornography.
There's this guy I've been seeing on and off for
almost a year now. We tried the whole dating thing but it didn't work
out because I was moving too fast for him. We stopped talking for a bit
but then decided to become friends with benefits. The thing is I still
have feelings for him and would like him to be more that just my sex
buddy. At the moment I'm playing him at his own game and keeping him at
arms length. I say when and where and if we have sex at all. (Its how he
treated me when we were dating) we've been like this for the past 3
months and now things seem different. He's asking to see me all the time
and calls me when he's drunk to tell me how much I mean to him. The
thing is when he's sober he blames his actions on the alcohol and says
he's only telling me what he thinks I want to hear. I'm done with
pretending I don't care about him and I want us to try again. But how
can I be sure that he feels the same? Does he even like me at all, or is
he just in it for the sex? They say actions speaker louder than words,
and so far from his actions I feel like he doesn't want to put himself
out there because he's scared of getting hurt. I don't want to either
because I've been hurt before (by him no less) I can't see myself
confessing my true feelings for him until I'm sure he feels the same
way. How can I find out how he's feeling without revealing my true
feelings for him? I don't want to get hurt again.
Okay, now I admit I'm an agony uncle, and not a consulting detective, but using all the detective prowess I picked up from watching both Sherlock Holmes movies and twenty minutes of an old Jeremy Brett 'Casebook' episode I would infer from the fact that he has told you he only wants sex, only tells you otherwise when he's drunk and horny, and admitted, many times, when he's sober he's saying what you want to hear so he doesn't want to lose the chance to have sex with you that he only wants you for sex. Elementary, my dear retard!